Cher-obsessed boy: Mother Teresa is by far the sexiest lady of all time....
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Me: Where is your sketchbook already?!?!
Lanky Kid: I lost it in the great sketchbook fire of '96. Please don't bring it up.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Me: When did you last cry?
Lanky kid: Last night....when I had diarrhea soooo bad. And next time I cry I'm going to write you a letter with the tears as proof.
Me: What word would you use to describe yourself?
Lanky kid: *Pause* Chicken. *Pause* NO! TURKEY.
Lanky kid: HEY JUMPER. I'm getting an owl *Pause* No. I'm getting a falcon. Then we can have *SCREEEEEEEEEECH* contests.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Shaggy-haired senior: Maybe Monet was a cyborg. Is that a bundle of wires in a field, or some haystacks? You don't know.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Me: So, who is the Surrealist artist we all know...he had a crazy mustache?
Class: *crickets*
Me: COME ON! He painted clocks melting?
Girl in front : Oh...clocks..yeah, that's Flava Flav.
Rocker Kid: Oh, drumset's birthday is today!
Rock Brain: Yeah, isn't in the eye of the's in the eye of the BUTT holder.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Me: Hey, are you still staying at your grandma's?
Lanky Lankerson: No, no more grandma. All she did all day was talk about people and cry.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Freshman Girl: Why are you taping pizza crusts together???
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Ol' Red: Dude, do you realize you have two backpacks on?
Thursday, September 29, 2011
This and That.
Me: Hey, how did you feel after the blood drive?
Tall Boy: Oh, I was ok. I went home at ate a whole thing of Bagel Bites so...ya know...
Taco Boy: Yeah, well...I don't know if this will be as cool to y'all but...I killed a scorpion with a sword last night.
Sneaky Boy (gazing at clay creation): Noooo, this isn't a's of those uh....logs, like in a log ride? I really just love log rides!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Me: So...what is a philosopher?
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Me: So, did you have fun on the band trip? Meet any honeys?
Not So Small Emo Boy: No honeys, but they were definitely admirin' my stride.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Swagger boy 1: Dude, me and the old lady broke up last night. We are not getting back together this time.
Swagger boy 2: Whatever, dude, how is this any different than the 300 other times y'all broke up?
Swagger boy 1: Well, for one I didn't have glow-in-the-dark shoes or a glow-in-the-dark phone case back then...
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Bespeckled girl: *calmly, with chin on fist* See...this is just like what I've been saying. You know, it's like my narwhal crossed with a horse you can ride an underwater unicorn....
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Me: Hey, will you pick up that pencil you just dropped...
Incredulous Senior Boy: That pencil ain't miiiine! That pencil don't even look like me!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Shoeless freshman: You know what would be really terrifying?? A shapeshifting otter. ESPECIALLY in the whisker area....
Friday, April 1, 2011
Ginger Boy: *Hummmming in unison with some other kids* Man, we are good at this. We should start a three-way singing group....a vocal threesome...a three-man voice orgy.....what is that called?!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Summer Olympics 2040
Bro 1: Ugh, I forgot. I have detention for misbehaving in Spanish.
Bro 2: What for??
Bro 1: Playing "Gay Chicken" disruptively.
Bro 2: What's "Gay Chicken"?!
Bro 1: When you get as close to kissing your dude friend as you can before chickening out.....I won.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Dead serious kid with no shoes: I like your earrings, by the way...they remind me of me. I like to fly. I'm a fly guy. Not a shy guy.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I see my friiiends.
Not-so-small-emo-boy: (Frantically) Wait a's the Tuesday after Spring Break and not a single person has mentioned Rebecca Black?!?! Maybe they're waiting for Friday....
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Mini-Space Cadet's Thoughts for Thursday
Wait, isn't a breast argumentation a boob job?
That giraffe is farting hearts, sooooo cute!
I'm going to put my sister on Craigslist.
Me: Hey, I like your cardigan.
Not-so-small-anymore-emo boy: *Pulls out imaginary card deck* Is this your card..again?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Mini Space Cadet: (after a very long day at choir contest) Jumper, did you know that choir kids actually sing on the choir bus...the whole way there and bacccccccck?
Time for a poop break!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sounds itchy.
Mini Space Cadet: I left school for three hours today. In that time, I developed Bieber Fever!
Gum as you are.
Rock and Roll Cowboy: Jumper, do you have any Chiclets? I love Chiclets. I need them. HOW DO YOU HAVE MEXICAN STUDENTS AND NOT HAVE CHICLETS!!!!!!!!!!??*pause*
I'm outta here.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
More like Lame Action, amirite.
Gamer Girl: Do you even know what LARPing meannnnnnns?
Me: Yes. And I am too old and cool for it.
Gamer Girl: WHAT-EVERRR. LARPing is cool, I read it on Tumblr.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Free to a good home.
Lanky kid in a hoodie: *Rolls up to my desk behind giant trashcan, trying to conceal his identity, then pops up* "Hey JUMPER! If I didn't have any parents or a dad, would you adopt me so that you don't look like a pervert?"
Friday, February 11, 2011
Young love.
Bespeckled band girl: Should I tell him that he smells like my dead mother? That faint smell of cigarette smoke and chicken....
Friday, January 28, 2011
Ninja, please.
Lanky kid in a hoodie: *opens door, rolls in a ball across the floor, crawls to my desk on his belly, pops up slowly in front of my desk* "Did you know I was there???"
Monday, January 24, 2011
Your Mother for $200, Alex.
Kid with gloves, after being asked if he was late: No, I came in on time...unlike Burt Reynolds on Celebrity Jeopardy, he comes outta nowhere.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
O, Engineers.
Sports girl: Yes, he is real smart. He's going to college on a scholarship for be a pioneer or engineer or something....
Ft. Lauderdale WKRP
Kid with the Germs t-shirt: What does this mean? Kin-sin-atty? What is that? Kinsinatty??
Me: That says "Cincinnati".
Kid with the Germs t-shirt: Well, whatever man...I'm not from Florida.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Goth Talk
Goth boy: Someone told me that I look like So-and-So Scissor Fingers.
Me: Do you mean Edward Scissorhands?!?!
Sheepdog Haired Boy: I think you look like a wizard.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Space Cadet: Ohhhh, I am so hungry. I have mustard chicken in my car. Don't you dare call me "ol' mustard chicken car".